Hi, I am Alex

internee/junior web developer

About me

My name is Alexey, born in 2002. I live in Odessa, Ukraine, and I am a beginner developer.

I study programming, in particular web development, but not limited to it. Constantly interested in other related fields such as game development, applications, etc., and unrelated ones - web design, level design, etc.

I almost never get tired and do not rest, because I like what I do.

Since the time of the coronavirus, he has been constantly engaged in self-organization and self-development, paying attention to himself and his surroundings.

I really have very little knowledge and experience, but I am constantly working to increase them. I want and always strive to write code that will be well appreciated and useful to every person.

At the first communication, I may seem not sociable, but in fact I like to listen more, and I start talking when I am asked.

I think that the world is not divided into black and white and everything needs to be looked at from different angles. I believe that providing all the conditions for increasing knowledge and developing the awareness of each person will lead humanity to prosperity.

I want to develop comprehensively and be useful to other people in their life/work, and I think that programming will help me a lot in this.

Full name/ПІБ/ФИО:

Aleksei Minakov/Мінаков Олексій Іванович/Минаков Алексей Иванович


  • Create something that will be useful to people and help/make their life/activities easier.
  • Learn new technologies, tools and any opportunities to improve your efficiency and productivity.
  • Quenching the thirst for new knowledge and solving complex problems.

Work experience

No experience.

Base hard skills(knowledge)

Knowledge and skills are not very much and they are not deep, but I am always working on increasing and deepening them.

Basic knowledge. I study/studied on MDN and freecodecamp. **перечислить знания, усвоенные на MDN(примерно такие как, Accessability и тп.)**
Basic knowledge. I study/studied on MDN and freecodecamp. **перечислить знания, усвоенные на MDN(примерно такие как, Accessability и тп.)**
Basic knowledge. I study/studied on MDN and freecodecamp. I think that knowledge of Python will help you easily and quickly master it deeper.**перечислить знания, усвоенные на MDN(примерно такие как, Accessability и тп.)**
First language. Solved simple mathematical problems, wrote parsers using requests, regex and beautifulsoup; studied Django. Now I am writing an entertaining telegram bot with a recommender system on a specific topic, with functionality approximately like instagram/tiktok, using the python-telegram-bot v20+, requests, beautifulsoup and SQLite libraries with a future extension to a more serious database and the use of machine learning to personalize recommendations.
Knowledge of basic commands and procedures for working with version control systems.
Basic knowledge of writing queries. Used and understood SQLite and MongoDB documentation.
Year used Ubuntu as the main system.
The main system is almost always.
Visual Studio Code
Used PyCharm when I started but switched to VS Code, when I started learning new languages ​​and learning about the possibilities of this development environment.

Soft skills

  • Honesty
  • Purposefulness
  • Discipline
  • Prioritization
  • Planning
  • Self-motivation
  • Sequential


Degree of higher education:
Odessa Polytechnic National University
Field of knowledge:
12 Information technologies
126 Information systems and technologies
Educational program:
Information systems and technologies
Entry/exit date:
Educational and professional program:


  1. Russian - I use it almost always
  2. Ukrainian - ЗНО 178 points
  3. English - Constantly read, listen. I rarely write or talk. ЗНО - 173 points


Learning projects

Note: Most projects used only HTML, CSS and JavaScript without additional libraries. I used more functional programming than object oriented programming as it didn't have needs. I am familiar with asynchronous programming and used it in writing a telegram bot.


  • Result screenshot of "Qr-code" project


    Objective: Build out QR code component and get it looking as close to the design as possible.

  • Result screenshot of "results-summary-component-main" project


    Objective: View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size. See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page.


  • Result screenshot of "memes" project


    Objective: Use a DOM to loop in our javascript into our html and bring it alive into a dynamic web page.

  • 1st result screenshot of "movies" project 2nd result screenshot of "movies" project

    movies(review-backend(Node.js) github)

    Objective: Create a front-end web app with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • Result screenshot of "rpg" project


    Objective: Learn all the basics of JavaScript programming by coding an RPG game line by line.

Other projects


  • Result screenshot of "Fancy letterheaded paper" project

    fancy letterheaded paper

    Objective: To test comprehension of CSS box model, and other box-related features such as implementing backgrounds.

  • Result screenshot of "school_homepage" project


    Objective: To test comprehension of CSS text styling techniques.

  • Result screenshot of "Biografy" project


    Objective: To have a play with some CSS and test your new-found knowledge.

  • Result screenshot of "Coool looking box" project

    cool looking box

    Objective: To test comprehension of the CSS box model and other box-related features such as borders and backgrounds.

  • Result screenshot of "Fun css comprehension" project


    Objective: To test comprehension of fundamental CSS theory, syntax and mechanics.

  • 1st result screenshot of "Letter" project 2nd result screenshot of "Letter" project 3rd result screenshot of "Letter" project


    Objective: Test basic and advanced HTML text formatting, use of hyperlinks, and use of HTML <head>.

  • 1st result screenshot of "mozilla-splash-page" project 2nd result screenshot of "mozilla-splash-page" project

    mozilla-splash-page(result while resizing)

    Objective: To test knowledge around embedding images and video in web pages, frames, and HTML responsive image techniques.

  • Result screenshot of "responsive_images" project

    responsive_images(result while resizing)

    Objective: Learn how to use features like srcset and the <picture> element to implement responsive image solutions on websites.

  • 2nd result screenshot of "selectors" project 3rd result screenshot of "selectors" project 5th result screenshot of "selectors" project 1st result screenshot of "selectors" project 4th result screenshot of "selectors" project


    Objective: Assess whether you understand CSS selectors.

  • Result screenshot of "styling_table" project


    Objective: To learn how to effectively style HTML tables.

  • Result screenshot of "table" project


    Objective: To test comprehension of HTML tables and associated features.

  • Result screenshot of "video_and_audio_content" project


    Objective: To learn how to embed video and audio content into a webpage, and add captions/subtitles to video.

  • Result screenshot of "web_font_example" project


    Objective: Build up a basic web font example from first principles.

  • Result screenshot of "rwd_and_media_queries" project


    Objective: Assess understanding of media queries and work with responsive web design with a practical task.

  • Result screenshot of "guess_the_number_game" project


    Objective: To have a first bit of experience at writing some JavaScript, and gain at least a basic understanding of what writing a JavaScript program involves.